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Palace Kornytskyh family, stag

Palace Kornytskyh family, stag

The village Rogachi in Zhytomyr region attracts tourists only, but especially attraction. Kornitskih Manor was built on the outskirts of the village purchased from General Lyubovitsky Polish gentry in 1808. Head of the family was proud of his horses and kept them in the proper order, but stable to this day has not been preserved. You can only see the remains of the cellar.

The palace is hidden in the depths of the park pond, which leads to the paved path. The access road to the house is almost not affected. The outer part of the palace, decorated with stucco, survived quite well, in particular, the column holding the pediment with the family coat of arms.   House in the neoclassical style   at one time was richly decorated not only outside but also inside.

However, during the Soviet school was located here, and the original interior was almost nothing left. And yet, so it is easy to balls and receptions that were held in the palace of the family Kornitskih.

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