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The ruins of the palace Tereshchenko, Denishi

The ruins of the palace Tereshchenko, Denishi

The village Denishi located 20 km from Zhitomir   River Grouse. Special interest due to the village enjoys Manor Mikhail Tereshchenko.

Who has not heard the legend of Sugar, which for the sake of her daughter strewn lawn sugar when she wanted to try out new sled in the summer? It is in this manor there were such wonders.

The palace, built on the banks of the river in the early 19th century, was built with the advanced technologies. The house is built of brick, stucco facade is made ​​using plaster.   Special decoration of the palace served three-storey tower, which still stands over the remains of the house.

Locals and tourists alike call home castle. This is due to the fact that moving from the road deep into the estate, only the tower is clearly visible as well as an association with an ancient castle.

After the events of 1917, the castle was destroyed. Even today, many are trying to find the treasure of a wealthy industrialist, do you want to believe that the palace remained undiscovered secrets, one of which - a cache of gold coins.

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