Steam Mill
If you want to diversify vivid impressions of life, then you are at the Steam Mill, in New Chortoryia. Stored still operating structure please the eye of tourists and locals.
History of the steam mill
Construction of the mill had to the second half of the 19th century. Completed five-story building in 1870. The building is made in the industrial style and is located on the river Sluch. Count Orzhevskyy known businessman of that time, financed the construction of several buildings, which later received the status of monuments, including its funds and built a steam mill.
It was the first steam mill, built on modern Zhytomyr region. Some time worked in the building of power, and then was closed and so stood for several years. At the moment the building is Novochortoryyskyy mlynzavod.
Interesting Facts
Not only steam mill, which is a tourist attraction. The building is still active, though the wind of time has made adjustments to the technology used in the mill.
From the river building has 7 floors and a bank - 5 near two-storey building, which is used as a warehouse.
How to get there
The village is 100 km from Zhitomir, which is a bus service. Car can be reached with Lyubar towards the Old or New Chortoryia Chortoryia distance blyzko13 km.
Steam Mill is located on the outskirts of New Chortoryia Old Chortoryia toward the right on the river.