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Pan Eko Agro Estate, Botar

Pan Eko Agro Estate, Botar

If you are going to rest in the Carpathians, or just drive past - be sure to visit the farm "Pan Eco". It is not to find and impossible to miss. Driving through the streets of the village Bothari, you`re bound to stumble along the road to a very unusual sculpture. It will be shaggy pig, and a number of banks with jam. It is here, and will plant Tizesha Paul, the founder of the farm "Eco Pan."

This farm is known all over Ukraine thanks to its traditional Transcarpathian jam - lekvaryu. It is brewed from various fruits and berries. In this case, it does not add any flavoring additives, and even sugar. This is the most use and enjoyment.

And, of course, the famous country estate that are bred Hungarian breed pigs - mangalica. The meat of this animal does not contain cholesterol and has an unusual taste. On the farm you can visit the tasting room, which offers natural juices, jam, bacon, sausages. And that is no less interesting, residents of Transcarpathia skillfully combine sausage, or even call them piknitsa, with jam. It looks as follows: take a piece of sausage and smear jam. Well, then just have to try. Do you have tourists in Transcarpathia, there is such a possibility.

Bothari - a very interesting tourist destination. You should definitely visit the farm mangalica and Hungarian gray cattle farm .

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Львів - Верхня Грабівниця - Мукачево  - Берегово - Ботар - Хуст - Нижнє Селище - Львів
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Львів – Верхня Грабівниця – Берегово – Мукачево – Виноградів – Тисобекень – Ботар – Вілок – Іза – Нижнє Селище – Пилипець – Шипіт – Львів
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