Monument Kirov
Monument to Sergei Kirov Mironovich set at the foot of the city`s main avenue, named in his honor. During the life of an outstanding revolutionary, I have never lived in this city. Kirov Monument was erected in 1968, it is a white plaster bust of a simple pedestal and a commemorative plaque.
Kirov and its activities
The real name of a revolutionary - Kostrikov, he was born in a peasant family, and already as a child was a complete orphan. Living with 9 years in an orphanage, Sergei received a good education with frequent letters to his success. During the first revolution of the early 1900s it becomes a party workers` demonstrations, for which he was later arrested and calculated. After the first imprisonment, he further stated in his freedom of thought and become the Trustee of Joseph Stalin in the mid-1920s.
The mysterious death
Sergei Kirov was shot in the head in the hallway near his office in 1934. Historians still argue today about who was the customer of the murder, and for what reasons. Over the years, many agree in only one, that it began with the Kirov global cleaning and famous Stalinist repressions with links. He went down in history as spotless rumors revolutionary and fighter for justice.
How to get to the monument to Kirov
To get to the monument, you can climb up from the park named Lazarus Globa , or walk from the train station in Pushkin street (the one outstanding poet lived during his southern exile).
Nearby Attractions
Around the monument focused most interesting city attractions: the monument to Alexander Pushkin , Lenin Square (it is different beautiful scenery and artistic lighting in the evening), Drama Theatre named after Maxim Gorky and more.