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Monument Disturbing youth, Zaporozhye

Monument Disturbing youth, Zaporozhye

On the border of the "new" and "old" in Zaporozhye, at the dam, there is a monument "The alarming youth". Monument established in 1968, timed to celebrate the Lenin Komsomol. The author of the stele, crowned bust Komsomolets in Budyonovka is NS Sable. Pictured sculptor boy, despite her young age, looks at the world with determination and severity. Over the stone bust of a soldier flies the flag embossed on it with a hymn. The material for the monument served as a decorative white cement. The height of the stele exceed 2.5 meters and a length of up to 5 meters. During Soviet times the monument was considered one of the most valuable sites Zaporozhye, and with the advent of the new government, his popularity decreased significantly.

Interesting facts from the history of the monument "The alarming youth"

Monument to the people in the name "Fantômas" for an amazing resemblance to Jean Marais, who in the late `60s appeared on Soviet screens in a green mask. According to the HFZ monument "The alarming youth" is a candidate for one of the wonders of Zaporozhye.

What can visit nearby monument "The alarming youth"

Not far from the stele is a dam and a small square, the tram park and several student dormitories. In Kiev you can walk along Lenin Avenue, visit the Museum of Local History and photographed against the backdrop of the Pokrovsky Cathedral.

How to get to the monument "The alarming youth"

To reach the monument can be any vehicle, you must get off at "Pushkin Square". Moving in the opposite direction, should focus on stopping "Gagarin".


Tours and excursions

Тур «Фестиваль «Покрова на Хортиці», «Кам’яна могила» та Петриківка». На Покрову гайда на козацьку Січ!
Фестиваль «Покрова на Хортиці» – це епіцентр святкувань для нащадків козацтва, потомків славних запоріжців. Він відбувається на легендарному острові Хортиця. Тут подія збирає шанувальників автентичної української культури. Це бойові мистецтва та ігри, народне мистецтво й музика, козацькі військові змагання, а також смачний куліш з ароматними узварами… Все що завгодно, аби тільки ви вдосталь натішилися запорізькою вольницею.
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