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Monument to the students who died in the war, Zaporozhye

Monument to the students who died in the war, Zaporozhye

In Zaporozhye there is a monument to students, faculty and staff of the Institute, died in the war. This was reported and plaque on a stone pedestal employee. In the autumn of 1980 it was inaugurated the memorial. The place was chosen near the main building of the Institute of Machine Building, later renamed the Zaporizhzhya National University.

During the Second World War, students and teachers have risen to defend the homeland from the German invaders, many of them fell. Gone are the young and ardent heart, but the memory remains forever. The monument is made ​​of gray boulders which carved three young persons. By the monument is a paved walkway with handrail and flower beds. Memorial is maintaining the students and teachers of the university. On holidays bring flowers to the monument.

What you can see next to the monument to students

Zaporozhye proud island of Khortytsya and Maritime Museum. Yet the city is a unique St. Andrew`s Cathedral.

Visiting Zaporozhye, it is difficult to see all the sights in one day. Each guest of the city to leave a part of himself, and he will want to return.


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