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Exhibition Hall of the Union of Artists

Exhibition Hall of the Union of Artists

Located Union of Artists Exhibition Hall of Vinnitsa on Pushkin Street 2. There are various exhibitions of local artists, art historians and artists from other cities of Ukraine.

History of foundation of the exhibition hall of the Union of Artists

In general, arts and crafts, including painting, in these areas have evolved since ancient times. Evidence of this has multiple discoveries during archaeological excavations and research. After the war, in the winery creates a cooperative association of artists of Ukraine, but at the time all creativity pass through political censorship. Nevertheless, artists were able to create their creative union.

In 1955, after studying in the city of Kiev Art Institute in the direction of the institution comes to a young and talented Alexei Sidorov. It is thanks to him in the winery built the first house of artists. Upon completion of the construction here began to seethe creative life. Here for an exhibition of his work comes a lot of artists from different parts of the Soviet Union. Typically, these events were like in October (dedicated to the October Revolution) and 9 May. April 22, 1976 all the efforts of local people and artists were married successfully, since this day has been established Vinnytsia Union of Artists of Ukraine.

Another important event in the cultural history of the city was the opening of a children`s art school in 1960. Its graduates later became the best students in different educational institutions of Lviv , Kiev , Kharkov , St. Petersburg and other cities.

Today it is about 70 people who conduct presentations and exhibitions of his works in the exhibition hall of the Union of Artists. Exhibitions are held frequently, and many of them are free, so much to see and to touch something new and unique Everyone can.


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