Інтерактивний Музей Науки
вулиця Миколи Оводова, 51, Вінниця, Вінницька область, 21000
Досі вважаєте, що наука — це нудні підручники в тісному шкільному класі? Не важливо, дорослий ви чи ще дитина, в нашому експериментальному просторі вас очікує дивовижний світ практичної ...
Обласна бібліотека ім. Тімірязєва, Вінниця
вул. Соборна, 73
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Бібліотека цікава не лише своєю історією, змістом роботи, але й приміщенням, яке є пам’яткою архітектури. Розташоване в самому центрі міста, воно є його окрасою і візиткою. Зручні транспорті сполучення, куди можна доїхати з будь-якого мікрорайону обласного центру. Поряд розташовані приміщення ...
Exhibition Hall of the Union of Artists
вул. Пушкіна 2, м. Вінниця 21000, Україна
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Located Union of Artists Exhibition Hall of Vinnitsa on Pushkin Street 2. There are various exhibitions of local artists, art historians and artists from other cities of Ukraine. History of foundation of the exhibition hall of the Union of Artists In general, arts and crafts, including painting, ...
Art gallery InterShik
вул. Арх. Артинова, 12а, м. Вінниця 21000, Україна
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Art gallery is an integral part of the trading house "InterShik." This building is located in the city of Vinnitsa in the street Arch. Artynova 12a. General information about the art gallery "InterShik" Founder and author of the concept of the Firm became Lyudmila Bushinsky, which has decided to ...
Vinnytsia Oblast Philharmonic
вул. Хмельницьке шосе 7, м. Вінниця 21000, Україна
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From 1908 to 1937, the development of musical creativity Vinnitsa engaged in a variety of organizations. In 1937 a significant event happened - under one roof and one name came together several organizations, giving rise to the Vinnytsia Regional Philharmonic. The new organization retained the ...
Expocentre of Vinnitsa Chamber of Commerce
вул. Соборна 68, м. Вінниця 21000, Україна
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Expocenter of Vinnitsa Chamber of Commerce located on the street Cathedral 68. This non-governmental organization, which carries out many different activities, exhibitions, fairs, meetings, and conducts several social projects in the city. Expocentre is the hallmark of the Chamber of Commerce of ...
House Officers
пл. Перемоги 1, м. Вінниця 21000, Україна
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House officers in Vinnitsa is the cultural center of the city and region, and is also considered the largest institution of this type. Here are held various events, celebrations, concerts of famous singers and bands. In the House of Officers already favored by many artists from Ukraine and abroad. ...
Palace of Children and Youth, Vinnitsa
вул. Хмельницьке шосе 22, м. Вінниця 21000, Україна
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The palace is located in the city of Vinnitsa . The building is surrounded by green trees in summer and fragrant aroma of flowers. The history of the Palace of Children and Youth The history of the Palace of Children and Youth. LA City Hall began in 1935, when the local authorities have given a ...
Puppet Theater Golden Key
вул. Л. Толстого 6, м. Вінниця 21000, Україна
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Puppet Theatre "Golden Key" is located in the beautiful city of Vinnitsa in the street Tolstoy. The history of the theater "Golden Key" Puppet Theatre began life back in the 30s of the 20th century. In 1936, the city comes the famous director V. Neybant-Koveshko, who became the first artistic ...
Vinnytsia Drama n.a. Sadowski
вул. Театральна 13, Вінниця 21050, Україна
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Theatre named after Nicholas Sadowski refers to the monuments of architecture and is one of the most popular holiday destinations residents of Vinnitsa .
The base of the theater was laid in 1910 by renowned architect Gregory Artynova. The theater building in modern style. Reconstruction was carried ...
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