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Monastery of St. Ambrose of Optina, Tokmak

Monastery of St. Ambrose of Optina, Tokmak

In the town of Tokmak Zaporizhia region, near the Holy Ascension Church is a monastery of St. Ambrose of Optina.

History Monastery Ambrose of Optina

Monastery appeared two centuries later his chief of Holy Ascension Church, with whom he is in the same area. His official calendar is large and bright the temple dates back to 1898. It was built in the village of Tokmak, who in 1784 founded the peasants and the Zaporozhye Cossacks. Passing through the village of Great Milky Way has led to its rapid development. After closing in 1954, the revival of the church began in 1989, Archpriest John Kovacs. Within three years, carried out the restoration of the temple and the construction of religious school.

On two floors of communal schools were equipped with cells for the monks, who moved here from Melitopol monastery of St. Sabas. For a time it housed a convent. In 1997, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the monastery was founded as a male, in the name of St. Ambrose of Optina. The world Alexander toast, during his lifetime was honored as an old man who has the gift of mental prayer, compassion and miracles, and was the spiritual mentor of the Orthodox in the 19th century. Years of life: from 1812 to 1891. He was a priest of the Russian Orthodox Church, then, due to long-term illness, hermit Optina. In 1988 he was elevated to the face of the saints. He is invoked for intercession and help in curing diseases.

In 2004, the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra transferred to the monastery two icons with the image of St. John the child and Ilya Muromets also particles of relics. An important event was the 14 images and mirotochenie monastery, showing new details of the images on a dark background of old icons. In July 2008, there was another significant event for the monastery - the arrival of the relics of St. Ambrose, patron saint of the monastery.

How to get to the monastery of Optina in Tokmak

From the central bus station at the Tokmak Zaporizhia bus or Berdyansk. They depart every half hour from 5:10 until 18:40.


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