House of Industry, Zhitomir

House diligence is in Zhitomir. The first building for such a purpose was built in 1882, and has until 1898 their number is about 130. Now the hard work in the House are familiar to us offices and shops, and there used to boil a completely different life.
History of the hard work
The House of diligence was erected in 1897. The founder and sponsor of the construction was the City Council guardianship of national sobriety. All need to be able to visit the house where they were expected to workshops where you can learn some craft or make money. They were paid 15 to 30 cents a day, means, of course, is not large, but it could survive. Money paid daily. In addition to working wages received food twice a day, the homeless - accommodation, single mothers can leave their children in yaselkah, for they provided tea, library and theater.
In 1911, the House of diligence Volyn museum opened, it became the first in the city. The house existed on donations from the local population, as well as money raised from the sale of own products, charity concerts, the lottery, fees for clubs and grants from the state. When the Bolsheviks came to power, all such places closed. It was believed that they did not need more, because the fate of homeless people will be engaged in the Soviet state.
Before 1941 there existed a museum after the occupation of the hotel is located Kolhoznaya and management of the local market.
The room itself is an architectural monument of local importance.
How to get to the House of Diligence
From the railway station you can drive down the street Gogol, Kiev and Shelushkova. Also suitable public transport number 10, 11, 53a, 58. The distance - less than 3 km.