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Pivdennyi Bridge, Kyiv

Pivdennyi Bridge, Kyiv

Shroud, odnopilonny bridge crosses Dnieper River, connecting the right and left bank of Kiev . Is the whole complex, including not only the bridge, but the prospect Bazhana and the motorway junction.

Kiev Southern bridge built as much as 7 years old and graduated in December 1990. To create the highest bridge of the city spent more than 110 million rubles.

The official name of the construction height of 135 meters and a length of 1256 - South bridge. The bridge width of 41 meters has 6 car lanes and 2 subway lines, as well as sidewalks for pedestrians.

When you create a project for the future of the bridge was intended to equip the gallery with a restaurant on the subway line, but in life, this idea has not been implemented. Uninitiated observer, it is very difficult to guess that the upper point of the bridge and the road runs on it connects staircase, hidden under a layer of concrete.

South Bridge became the champion three times in Kiev: height, width and length. Today he passes on its lines more than 90 thousand vehicles daily.

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