Prut Bridge, Yaremche

Yaremche attracts tourists with its landscapes, healing springs, culture and many others. Today, the city can be reached by car or bus, and at the beginning of the last century are operated railway bridge.
This building, erected in the late 19th century, there were 63.8 / 9 km line Stanislav - Voronenkov and connects the two banks of the Prut River. Designed an unusual bridge Lviv Professor Zygmunt Balls, and it was built by Stanislav Ravich-Kosinski. Unusual buildings became span length of 65 meters - it was the first experience of such building bridges across Europe. Since then, architects bridges in Europe take this bridge as a standard of engineering.
In addition to the bridge over the River Prut, Yaremche you can visit rock folk hero Olexa Dovbush and make a wish, touching his hand to his "heart", and go to the waterfalls Probiy and girlish tears .
Tours and excursions