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St. Nicholas Church, Rybakovka

St. Nicholas Church, Rybakovka

The resort village Rybakovka shestikupolnaya have amazingly beautiful church with a chapel. St. Nicholas Church was built in our time, he became a landmark of the village. It will be interesting to see tourists annually visit Rybakovka summer.

The temple in honor of the patron saint of sailors

The first stone of the future church in Rybakovka laid in 1997. With the title of his doubts have arisen: Cigarettes are always a lot of sailors and travelers, whose patron is Saint Nicholas. In honor of him, and began to build the temple. In 2005, it was consecrated. In general, the construction of the church has gone 10 years. She is beautiful both outside and inside: the grandeur of the rich iconostasis strikes, the pride of the church - the icon of Our Lady of Pochaev ancient icons Kasperovskaya Mother of God of Kazan Mother of God and others.

On Sundays and public holidays, the villagers and vacationers delight festive jingle bells. In the temple of the seven, and the main of them - "Blagovest" - weighs as much as 350 kilograms.

How to get that close

From Nikolaev to Rybakovka about 80 km from the bus station often walking bus. His car you should drive on the route Odessa - Nikolaev past the village of Tuzla , at the same time can see the unique lake-Solonet Tuzla. On the shore of the Rybakovka a wonderful view on the island of Berezan . While in these areas, be sure to visit the National historical and archaeological reserve "Olvia" .

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