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Kontraktovaya, Kiev

Kontraktovaya, Kiev

Kontraktovaya famous since the days of Kievan Rus, when the Upper Town destroyed the Mongol-Tatars. Until the 19th century it was the center of Kiev . At various times it was called Alexander, Red. In the 13-18 century was the administrative center, the territory on which were famous Contract Fair. Immediately located and Magistrate Voytova tower, which proclaimed the verdicts of the city authorities. The building was erected in 1714. In 1812 it was destroyed by fire.

In 1797 Emperor Paul I was instructed to move here from the town of Dubno Contract congresses. This area was also convenient because of the proximity of the port of Kiev, which is the main source of import and export shipments. It was then that was born in Kiev life the concept of "contracts". Trade congresses held once a year: dealers, manufacturers gathered here from all over, we conclude wholesale deal signed contracts - contracts. These charges are held in connection with the contract become a tradition Sretensky Fair.

In the heart of Kontraktova Square built Gostiny Dvor . Its author - the architect Aloysius Ruska. It settled merchants who came to the fair. Here is the fountain of "Samson" - a fragment of an ancient aqueduct, which attracts pilgrims and praying mantises, believed in the magical qualities of its waters. The Contract home entertainment activities carried out. Until now, there is a Greek temple of St. Catherine with a high bell tower, restored in the 1970s.

On Kontraktova Square are also in the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.

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