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Postal Station, Kiev

Postal Station, Kiev

Postal station in Kiev - is an architectural monument. She erected as the main building of the complex Podolsk postal station. Zip house - a one-storey building in the classical style. It is the only building complex, which survived to our times.

Today used as exposition reserve "Ancient Kyiv". It houses a permanent exhibition "On the history of government in Kiev."

History postal station

Regular horse postal service between Moscow and Kyiv was opened in 1669. In the same year in Kiev, built the first post station. Gradually, it expanded and rebuilt, and the beginning of the 19th century turned into a major transport hub.

In 1674 was established receiving and sending emails in Kyiv, Nizhyn and Baturin.

In 1725 the provincial office issued a decree on the construction of the post of the court at the hem, which was considered the administrative center of the city.

After the fire in 50 years of the 19th century there was built a new stone building of the postal station, which served as a kind of administrative body. Served its horse-drawn carriages. At the post office worked small hotel, telegraph wing, coach house and stables.

In Soviet times, the structure of the postal station used for communications companies. The entrance to the station house was organized with the court, and the original doors turned out the window.

During its existence the post office several times rekonstruyuvalasya. Operated it until 1919. All the buildings in the complex stations were destroyed in the reconstruction of the area in the 30s of the 20th century. After the restoration in 1982 the building was given the All-Union Society of philatelists.

To this day preserved main building of the postal station that is now a monument of national importance and is protected by the state.

How to get there

Postal station is located in the eponymous square, which in turn is located between the streets Sagaidachnogo Naberezhnye Khreschatytska, waterfront highway and Vladimir descent . There is a stop of the metro station "Postal Square". Also nearby is stopping local transport routes number 62, 114, 114 and 238.


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