Monument to Mikhail Bulgakov, Kiev
The monument to Mikhail Bulgakov in Kyiv is the very first monument of the writer in the world. It is located next to the Bulgakov Museum , where once lived the owner. FIG Michael made three-quarters of human growth. He sits on the bench, putting his legs crossed and hands.
History monument
History setting sights is somewhat unusual and even mystical character. The idea of the monument appeared in Bulgakov museum staff and representatives of the Arts Development Fund. The issue is rather long, but its implementation in the budget not enough money.
The first mystery that occurred with the installation of monuments, was named patron who laid for the construction of 70 thousand dollars. Sponsor desired as the author is Nicholas Rapaya. At that time it was known only that the monument is a bronze and size of human growth. The master refused to comment, probably because he was afraid to jinx.
In unwilling to reveal the mystery of the creative work of sculptor support some admirers of the writer. First talked about the monument at Patriarch`s Ponds. But local residents opposed. Therefore plaster statue placed in Bulgakov museum dedicated to the writer.
To truly rare shades convey emotion, sculptor deeply and permanently immersed in the creative heritage of Bulgakov. During this period, he managed to master the literary work of the writer, to pick up his iconography.
According to confessions sculptor, had only one photograph smiling face Mikhail Bulgakov, the rest of the shots he usually was harsh or sad. The first attempt to recreate the artist`s pen was realized in plaster. The model of the monument was transferred to the National Art Museum.
The second attempt Rapay Bulgakov depicted in full height in motion. This version of sculptures planned to install close to St. Andrew`s Church.
In autumn 2007 the model was sent to art workshops for casting in bronze. October 15 the same year a monument to Bulgakov was set at Andreevskom, near the house number 13.
The monument was inaugurated on 19 October. At 15 o`clock the mayor ceremoniously lifted the veil of the monument and many fans saw excellent N. Rapaya sculptor who worked more than 5 years. The bronze statue depicts the writer, sitting on the bench. Most notable is the fact that the monument to Bulgakov was the first not only in Ukraine or Russia, but also in the world.
How to get to the monument to Bulgakov
Memo is Bulgakov Andrew Descent, 13. You can get here in several ways:
- the metro station "Golden Gate" to go down the street to Vladimir of St. Andrew`s descent ;
- the metro station "Marketplace", pass Samson fountain , walk up to the St. Andrew`s descent;
- the metro station "Postal Square" go up by cable car to St. Michael`s Square and walk down the street to Vladimir Andrew descent.