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The Mikhail Bulgakov Literary Memorial Museum

The Mikhail Bulgakov Literary Memorial Museum

Andreevskom, near St. Andrew`s Church and the most famous souvenir market in Ukraine, there is a museum of Mikhail Bulgakov. Find the writer`s house quite easily. Landmark monument serves as a prose writer.

Andrew`s descent is known as the street of old buildings. The museum building was no exception. Parental home Bulgakov was built in the 19th century by the project of architect I. hordenine.

Within the walls of the house on Andrew passed the happiest years of his childhood the future writer - from 1906 to 1919. Troubled historical events and the First World War forced the family to leave the territory of Kiev. But his home was always present in the works of the author - in the novel "The White Guard", and some stories.

Bulgakov`s parents` house turned into a museum in 1991. The basis of the first exposure was the private collection of AP Konchakovsky. Over time, the museum storerooms supplemented with family photographs, personal belongings Bulgakov, who gave family members and friends of the writer.

In the modern museum exhibition weaves real life MA Bulgakov and fictional literary life heroes of his works. One of the two rooms devoted to Bulgakov`s family, and the second - the family turbines. Thanks to the many photographs and rare exhibits interior of the rooms and the overall design of the room completely recreate the atmosphere of the early 20th century.

Fans of MA Bulgakov Museum is waiting every day from 10 to 17 hours in winter and 10 to 18 in the summer.

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