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Mountain Dzembronya

Mountain Dzembronya

Road to Mount Dzembronya Carpathians begins in Berestechko. No, this village has nothing to do with Beresteczko where in 1651 Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky suffered a debacle in the battle with the Polish King Jan Casimir III. As for the Hutsul, the place name sounds rather strange. In Soviet times, it was decided that Berestechko Dzembronya need to rename Berestechko. The title is, of course, did not take the people.

What to see in Dzembronya

Like most Montenegrin mountains in the array, the top Dzembronya located on the border of two regions - the Transcarpathian and Ivano-Frankivsk. Its height is 1,877 meters. In the south-east of Dzembronya seen mountain Pip Ivan. Its easy to learn - on top of the ruins of the Polish observatory, also known as White Elephant.

Mount mostly covered with subalpine meadows. From the top rising rivers and Balzatul Dzembronya.

Incidentally, the Montenegrin spine is only one restaurant, and it is at Dzembronya (at the fork between eared Stone and Smotrych). But there is one "but." From May to September this busy inn, the shepherds live here. And in all other months, tourists can to remain here. You can not worry: the heat in the house, and a stream is nearby.

How to get to the Carpathians mountains Dzembronya

By Dzembronya drive from Verhoviny or turn the village Iltsi. But keep in mind that if you sit down in a bus near Iltsi, it will be complete and you will be hard to go with backpacks. You can, of course, "stopnuty" car. Not a short path to the mountain, so they better a few kilometers drive than walk.

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Пеший поход «Черногорский хребет» Карпаты
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Экспресс-тур по Черногорскому хребту в Карпатах
Давно хотите побывать в Карпатах и подышать целебным и оздоровительным горным воздухом? Мечтаете взойти на самую высокую гору Украины и увидеть красоту Черногорского хребта? Приглашаем вас на яркое и увлекательное путешествие в Карпаты. Этот короткий экспресс-тур покажет всю красоту и величие Карпат. Во время тура вас ждет много интересного: путешествие Черногорским хребтом и ночевка на высоте 1300 метров; подъем на гору Пип Иван или Черногора; экскурсия к самому большому и строению в горах на территории нашей страны в обсерваторию «Белый слон»; остановимся возле загадочного озера Несамовытое и самого высокого озера в Карпатах Бребенескул; восход на наивысшую точку на территории украинских Карпат Говерлу и экскурсия в Ворохту.
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