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Mountain Sheshul

Mountain Sheshul

Mountain Sheshul part of the mountain range is located in Montenegro and its western part.

Description Mountain

The height of the mountain is 1726 meters. The gentle slopes of the mountain. To lift at Sheshul not necessarily have the skills climber.

At the foot of the mountain is covered with shrubs and Sheshul grasses. There are many growing blueberries. So plan your tour of the summer. The slopes of the mountain beech forest covers. In some places there are open areas of grassland. From the summit offers excellent views of the entire array of Montenegro. Not far from the mountains of the river Black Cheremosh. Mountain Sheshul located in Rakhiv district of Transcarpathian region.

Interesting facts about Mount Sheshul

  • For years, the height of the mountain unfairly downplayed. This occurred due to the fact that the mountain has several peaks Sheshul different heights. In Soviet times the height of the mountain is measured at the lower top. And only recently the mountain have been assigned its legitimate Meters
  • Mountain Sheshul Montenegrin part of the reserve. Here you can see rare plants and animals. A pop-up on the form of the surrounding area and can not speak.

How to get to the mountain

To start the train should reach Rakhova. It can be reached, for example, from Ivano-Frankivsk. Then transfer to a bus or book a car with a guide or go to conquer the peak alone.


Tours and excursions

Поход в Карпаты «Закарпатские тропы»
Для любителей путешествий по горам, для тех, кто хочет покорить самые высокие вершины украинских Карпат и не представляет своего отдыха без свежего воздуха, буковых лесов Закарпатья и ночевки под звездным небом подойдет увлекательный тур по Карпатским вершинам. Тур рассчитан на 6 дней, за которые вы сможете активно отдохнуть, оздоровиться и забыть обо всех проблемах. Вас ожидает много интересного, а именно: подъем на первую гору Терентын и ночевка в урочище Перелесок; поход по горным хребтам закарпатских гор, и восхождение на гору Малая Близница; подъем на горы Петрос и Говерлу, с которых откроется удивительный вид на Черногорский хребет; крепкий сон под звездами и пища, приготовленная на костре; незабываемые ощущения и воспоминания на долгое время.
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