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Petros (Chornohora)

Petros (Chornohora)

Mount Petros in the Carpathian Mountains is one of the most interesting peaks to climb. He who overcomes the steep slopes of the mountain at the top will be waiting for a surprise - it offers a view of the entire Montenegrin Mountains, Goverla and Priest Ivan .

Mount Petros - the penultimate in the Montenegrin ridge. To conquer the summit at any time of the year. But Petros winter - not for beginners. In the winter here without an instructor and special equipment is better not to go.

There are three reasons to climb on Petros:

  • this mountain, unlike Goverly is not a popular tourist destination. Most travelers coming from the Montenegrin spine, do not go to Petros. So if you like to enjoy the beauty of the mountains in solitude, then this option is for you;
  • Petros - one of the few peaks-dvuhtysyachnika, which can be overcome in one or two days. This contributes to good transport links to the start and finish points and the opportunity to spend the night before the ascent to the top;
  • it offers a gorgeous panorama of the Montenegrin Mountains, Svydovets and Marmaroshsky array . If the weather does not let you down, then you can see the Romanian Carpathians.

Legends of Mount Petros

  • Once on one of the mountains in the Carpathian Mountains lived a ferocious monster Strahopud - a man with a big as an ox, head, hair and a bear`s mouth. He lived in a hole and get out there only when hungry. Afraid to Strahopud not cause trouble, peasants every few days brought him or a sheep or calf. When the village was left cattle, we decided to give at the mercy of local orphans monster twins - a boy and a girl. My brother had an idea - girl talk monster teeth, and he will figure out how to release her. At one point the monster angry almost came down on the girl, but then whistled over her head arrows. They got into a monster. Her brother shot an arrow from the neighboring mountains. The pain monster fallen stone. The villagers subsequently chopped up and burned it, and dug a hole. Since then, the mountain, where there was a girl named Bliznitsa , and the top, where shot her brother Peter - Petros.
  • It is said that Petros - a mountain pagan god Perun, so it can not long resist the Christian symbols: the chapel is often struck by lightning, and the wind twisting metal crosses.

How to get to the mountains

Petros is better to leave the villages Lazeshchyna or Kvasy . The first option - the best. First you have to long to go up until you reach the base, and then - almost two kilometers of rapid ascent to the top of the mountain. Descending from the mountain have the cap on the track under the mountain Sheshul , and gradually go down.

By Lazeshchyna and kvass regular bus from Ivano-Frankivsk , Justa , Mukachevo , Tyachiv . Also in these settlements make the train stop of Kiev and Lviv , walking in Rakhiv .

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Зимний поход в Карпаты «Панорама Карпат (комфорт-тур)»
Очень хочется пойти зимой в горы, но ночевать под звездами, в сильный мороз никакого желания нет? Тогда вам предлагается отличный вариант для зимнего путешествия в виде комфорт-тура по Карпатам. Вы сможете подняться высоко в горы, а спать и отдыхать будете в домиках зеленого туризма в карпатских селах. Во время тура вас ожидает:подъем на хребет Косарище;экскурсия по старинному селу Быстрец, в котором сохранилась архитектура и быт 19 столетия;прохождение многих урочищ и подъем на гору Шпицы, откуда откроется пейзаж на Черногорский хребет;путешествие на полонину Маришевскую, где можно увидеть остатки приюта для туристов довоенного периода;подъем на гору Кострич и возможность посетить горнолыжный курорт «Буковель», Ворохту и Драгобрат.
Львів – Манява – Делятин – Ясіня – Кваси – г. Петрос – Яблониця – Львів
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