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Acute Mountain

Acute Mountain

Acute Mountain is located in the northwestern part Polonyny array. The amazing beauty mountainous terrain opens from the top of the mountain. Also located near many attractions is certainly worth a visit, while nearby.

What to see on the mountain

The mountain top is placed on the delimitation of Velyky Volovets district in Transcarpathian region. The height of the mountain reaches 1,405 meters. Mount Sharp is a little removed from the southeast to the northwest ridge, which consists of two almost equal heights. The slopes almost to the height of 1300 meters in densely overgrown forests, but conceding just above tree valleys. The valley is dominated by blueberry bushes. Sometimes hidden among thickets of raspberry.

In the south-eastern part of the rock mass are the origins of the river Lyutyanka. In the south, near the mountain created Turia-Polyansky reserve.

At the foot of the mountain formed Preluky tract, which is involved in selective activities with Hutsul horses and horse riding suits. Next to him stands a mountain valley Fleece .

Also located in this area falls Vojvodina . Getting to him is difficult, but it makes it more interesting.


To fully enjoy the local beauty of nature, is to walk here in person. The complexity of the walk to the top of the power beginners. Getting to the top of Mount Sharp in several hiking trails, but are actually from the tract Preluky .

Getting to the mountains

Acute Mountain is located southwest of the village cross and Kichernyy that in the Transcarpathian region. These villages can be reached by public transport or their own.

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Tours and excursions

Конный тур по Карпатам
Любителям конного вида спорта, и любителям активного отдыха предлагается уникальный тур – в величайшие украинские горы Карпаты. Этот тур полностью совмещает в себе ваши предпочтения, очень удивит и заинтересует, а также оставит наилучшие впечатления для каждого туриста. Во время экскурсии вас ожидает: обучение езды на лошадях для тех, кто не умеет на них кататься; посещение полонины Ровная, а именно – поход к этой вершине красивой горы прямо верхом на лошадях; полонина Острая, весь маршрут к ней вы проедете так же, верхом на лошадях. Даты тура: по запросу. Продолжительность: 2 дня. Источник фото: kalipsoua.com. Программа тура:
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