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Trip to Mezhygirya

Тривалість туру (у днях)
Дні туру:
  • Сб
79 USD
Оцінок: 0

Тур из: Київ

Тур в: Нові Петрівці

Since recently, the residence in Mezhyhirya has become a great place for school excursions, walks and rest with the family.

Програма туру:

День 1

Mezhygirya complex is the former residence of the President of Ukraine in the village of Novyi Petrovtsi, Vyshgorod district, Kyiv region. From a social point of view, "Mezhygirya" today is a peculiar museum of corruption =) associated with the name of Viktor Yanukovych.

And besides it is a unique object combining architectural, cultural and natural lands, which are in perfect order. Comlex will be especially interesting for schoolchildren. This is a small, charming country within our state. Earlier in this area there was the Mezhygirsky monastery, the time of its foundation which dates back to the times of Kievan Rus, about which more detailed can be heard from the mouth of the guide. As a state residence, the complex began to be used since 1935, and during this time gathered parks, deciduous and other lands. There is not a golden toilet there =), but besides this there is something to look at.

"Mezhygirya" is located on the high right bank of the Dnieper. The hilly coast is framed by a forest in which there are 100-year-old oaks. The main structure is the "club house" on the one hand which is successfully inscribed by the designer of ancient ruins. The masonry stamped by the pavement extends to the sides of the vineyards and grape arches, and from the front goes to the stone columns that support the main buildings. The house itself, or rather, a small 4-storey palace made of natural wood. Along the Dnieper is the embankment on which there is a grand ship-restaurant.

On the territory are ditch farm, pheasant, horse farm, several lakes with swans. There is also a zoo, a shooting gallery, tennis courts, a pier, and more. All this farm is surrounded by vast hunting grounds, some of which are more likely a fairy-tale forest created by the genius of landscape design. Creeping streams fall by stepped waterfalls into artificial lakes. Inside ponds fountains are beaten, there are tubes with exotic plants on the tracks, streams and small islands connected by openwork bridges. On the gurney in the park, the paths hide spectacular marble statues, the shores are decorated with chimerically scattered stones, abundant flowers and curly-trimmed trees. 

Музей корупції Межигір'я, Нові Петрівці

У вартість туру входить:

- transport service (5 hours);

- excursion service (5 hours);

- Entrance tickets and excursions to the victims. 

Тривалість туру (у днях)
Дні туру:
  • Сб
79 USD
Оцінок: 0
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