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Kholodny Yar - the heart of Ukraine, cycling tour

Тривалість туру (у днях)
100 EUR
Оцінок: 0

Тур из: Чигирин

Тур в: Чигирин - Суботів - Буда - Чигиринський - Мельники - Жаботин - Головківка - Івківці

If it is possible to visit places of power, it must be used. And don't think it's far away. Such a place is Kholodny Yar, Cherkasy region, where our ancestors lived before the time of Trypillia culture.

The whirlpool of life and energy here is full of everything: the pond, where the Haydamaks consecrated weapons, ravines and beams filled with cold fog, Semidubova Mountain, where ancient treasures and Scythian settlements are supposedly hidden, Motroninsky Monastery and much more. Maksym Zalizniak, Ivan Honta, Bohdan Khmelnytsky, Vasyl Chuchupaka and other uncompromising fighters for Ukraine's independence come from this area.

Kholodny Yar is the heart of Ukraine. Everything here seems to be waiting for you and wants to share the inexhaustible energy, powerful strength and feeling of a real Ukraine.

Програма туру:

Day 2 (55 km by bike)

8:00 Breakfast.

9:00 Departure to the village Buda. We look at the millennial Oak of Zalizniak, the temple and casemates of Peter Kalnyshevsky, go to the museum-ethnographic complex Wild Farm.

10.30 We move to the Motroninsky monastery and have an excursion, we look Haydamatsky pond, a source of st. Onuphrius.

12.00 We go through Kholodny Yar to the village of Zhabotin, we look at the Church of the Assumption and have a picnic lunch. Then we go to the Onufrievsky monastery.

15:00 Return through the farms and forest to Melnyky, look at the places of death and burial of the Cossack Ataman Vasyl Chuchupak.

18:00 Dinner, communication and rest in the guest house.

Об`єкти цього дня: Буда , Музейно-етнографічний комплекс Дикий хутір, Буда , Дуб Максима Залізняка, Холодний Яр , Мотронинський монастир, Мельники , Успенська церква в Жаботині

Day 3 (35 km by bike)

8:00 Breakfast.

9:00 Departure to the village of Golovkivka, through Atamansky Park to the healing source Zhyvun.

10:00 Ride to the village of Ivkivtsi, the ethnographic complex Zernoland with a century-old windmill, horses, entertainment and master classes of traditional Ukrainian crafts.

12:00 On the way back we rise Semidubova mountain, then admire the views from the Cossack tower.

14:00 Lunch, meeting, departure to Kyiv.

Об`єкти цього дня: Атаманський парк , Джерело Живун , Івківці , Семидубова гора, Івківці

У вартість туру входить:

  • accommodation 2 nights in the guest house;
  • meals (2 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 2 dinners);
  • entrance tickets to sightseeing objects;
  • instructor support;
  • medical insurance.

У вартість туру НЕ включено:

  • transfer with the bicycle to the starting point of the tour and back (1600 UAH / 1 person);
  • bicycle rental (in the absence of your own);
  • English-speaking guide.

Kholodny Yar - the heart of Ukraine, cycling tour Фото:

Тривалість туру (у днях)
100 EUR
Оцінок: 0
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