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Castles of Ukraine: fabulous time travel


Probably every girl dreamed of being in a magical castle and feel like Cinderella, or at least a little princess, dress holiday dress, crystal shoes and meet at the luxurious hall handsome princes. With us you can travel in time and learn about the life of the nobility of the past.

Just imagine what techniques staged home locks that music was played at balls and dresses are invited clothed babes.

First time travel we start with a magnificent castle "Palanok" . 


This place covered with mysteries and wonders, and some even said that it is living in the basement of the castle ghosts. Walking spacious corridors, you feel heir to the Count's family, and thanks to the Art Gallery, located in the castle, see paintings of famous artists of Transcarpathia unique collection of icons and many more interesting things.
Then welcome to stroll through the wonderful Italian park, which is located around the castle .



This castle is a real architectural monument, because there successfully combines Renaissance style building with bastion fortifications. Each room of the palace has its own flavor. All the charm and luxury will give us an opportunity to feel the titles of these rooms: Mirror, Gold, Chinese, mosaic and others.



But let's not dwell long and fast forward to Kyiv, where the streets of modern skyscrapers and greenery is the castle of Richard the Lion Heart . 


This building is relatively young and was built in the early 20th century in Gothic Revival style featuring British tycoon Dmitry Orlov. Different spiers, towers and battlements were decoration of the building. Castle affects the abundance of balconies, each of which leads to one of the many rooms and hidden staircases, hidden in the castle.
While the girls come to life from ancient aristocratic luxury and atmosphere, we fast forward into space for real men. There are no extra vychurnosti, glitter and lace, because we find ourselves in places where only ruins left alone. Here you can pick up a sword, shield and cover the breast to feel knight "round table". Kremenetskiy castle , situated at an altitude of about 400 meters above sea level, once served as a defensive structure.


So, now it just ruins, but the ruins at the time survived the siege of Batu Khan and Golden Horde magistrates offensives Kuremsy. However, nowadays these residues still considered unrestrained wall.


We were a bit zatrymayemosya with you in the 16th century to visit a place called Koretz, where the ruins of the castle Koretsky reminded that all changes with time, and the form and purpose. 


He was a defensive construction with walls and a deep ditch, and was generally manor palace. But many fire almost completely destroyed the historic monument, leaving Gate tower and ruins of brick walls. 


It's time to hide swords and return to the 21st century!
Travel time in the country with us and you'll learn a lot of new and interesting!

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