International historical championship fight "Call of Heroes" 2015, Kyiv, Kopachiv
"Call of Heroes" - action that aimed dive into the Middle Ages. More than 400 participants epic, almost knight, fighting for you will be the embodiment of fairy tales and historical playback simultaneously combat contemporary culture.
Competitions may be the highlight of a family weekend. Before you compete in duels uncompromising fight with Ukraine, of Denmark, Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Israel and Russia.
Historic battle - a kind of full contact fighting where athletes in full armor and armor, made by medieval samples compete for the title of strongest. The crowd at this time can enjoy spectacular medieval knights fighting.
Dates: Park "Kievan Rus", p. Kopachiv, Obukhov district, Kyiv region.
Time: September 19-20, 2015, from 10:00 to 23:00.
Login: 50-150 USD.
Program championship historic battle "Call of Heroes" in 2015
September 19 is planned:
10:00. The park opens to the public.
10: 00-19: 00. Work location:
- horseback riding and carriage;
- meadowy gallery;
- Medieval cuisine;
- dressing up in medieval historical costumes;
- playground.
10: 00-19: 00. Public exposure:
- historical costume;
- wooden architecture;
- shipbuilding.
There will be welcomed guests at the gates of ancient Kyiv with bread and salt.
13: 30-14: 00. Full-time massive battle - "wall to wall": a medieval fortress siege using trebuchet.
14: 00-14: 30. The opening ceremony of the International Championship of the historic battle "Call of Heroes."
- Parade princely flags.
- Parade participants of the championship.
14: 30-21: 00. Full action. Venue of the event: Peredhoroddya area, big the lists.
- Speech trick equestrian theater with elements of ancient Kyiv trick riding.
- Spectacular battle group - 16 x 16 fighters fighters.
In the breaks:
- Theatrical performances by the theater of ancient Kyiv.
- The dance flash mobs.
- Traditional games and fun.
- Presentation of the unique collection of the best historical horse breeds in the world of ancient Kyiv Prince stables.
- Inflammatory dances and dances with guests Park.
18: 00-23: 00. The evening performance.
18: 00-23: 00. Spectacular group battles - 5 x 5 fighters fighters. Venue of the event: Detinets area 2nd stage.
18: 00-22: 00. Fights in the category "sword-sword", "shield-sword."
- Night shooting trebushe burning cores.
September 20 is planned:
10:00. The park opened to visitors.
10: 00-13: 30. Morning show.
10: 00-19: 00. Work location:
- horseback riding and carriage;
- meadowy gallery;
- Medieval cuisine;
- dressing up in medieval historical costumes;
- playground.
10: 00-19: 00. Work exposition:
- historical costume;
- wooden architecture;
- shipbuilding.
The ceremony of meeting the guests at the gates of ancient Kyiv with bread and salt. Venue of the event: Detinets area 2nd stage.
10: 00-14: 00. Fights in the category "sword-sword", "shield-sword." Venue of the event: Peredhoroddya area, big the lists.
12: 00-13: 30. The final group fighting in the championship - 5 x 5 fighters fighters.
13: 30-14: 00. The opening ceremony of two-day International Championship of the historic battle "Call of Heroes."
- Parade princely flags.
14: 00-20: 00. Full action. Venue of the event: Peredhoroddya area, big the lists.
- The final group fighting in the championship - 16 x 16 fighters fighters.
In the breaks:
- Speech trick equestrian theater with elements of ancient Kyiv trick riding.
- Theatrical performances by the theater of ancient Kyiv.
- The dance flash mobs.
- Traditional games and fun.
17: 30-18: 00.Awards Ceremony participants Championship.
- Presentation of the unique collection of the best historical horse breeds in the world of ancient Kyiv Prince stables.
- Interactive involving the audience from the theater of Ancient Kyiv.
- Inflammatory dances and dances with guests Park.