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Final Cup of Ukraine on aeronautics (Golden Omega 2015), Кам'янець-Подільський


From 12 to 14 October in Kamenetz-Podolsk expected of Ukraine Cup final aeronautics.

Take part in the festival "Golden Omega 2015" can be anyone who is not afraid of heights.

Those who dare to this adventure are invited to take part in sport flying and flight length of 70 meters above the river canyon.

Contestants waiting to fly picturesque location Kamenetz-Podolsk. This city is known for its ancient monuments Ukrainian .

Flight time:

  • morning departure at 07:45;
  • Tonight at 16:00.

Flight duration is approximately 2 hours.

In addition, a few days later, on Saturday, October 17, will be an exciting entertaining show "Evening glow balloons." In the Old Town balloons rise into the sky to create a blue canvas paintings with many lights.

Last year, the cost of participation in the flights for tourists totaled 1300 UAH.

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The most interesting events in Ukraine. Pidpysuysya and be aware of.


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