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Documentary verbatim drama "Border", L'viv


Soon volunteer Lviv will play on the anniversary of the Maidan and oriented to support volunteerism. At this meeting, the guests familiarized with conducting volunteer activities, the events on the front line, soldiers` lives in an atmosphere of war and many other stories in which volunteers had to go.

Venue: Museum of the liberation struggle, str. Lysenko 23a.

Date: Drama-verbatim November 22, beginning at 18:00.

Admission is free.

Documentary show will take place in the framework of the second anniversary of revolution on Maidan. Meeting organized workshop "Art Space". Topics that will consider the organizers:

  • war and the lives of children in war;
  • atovtsi and their life situation in difficult conditions of war;
  • Square, development and continuous help of volunteers;
  • Crimea, Donetsk immigrants;
  • prisoner of separatists review the situation in captivity.

All information predstavlyatymetsya as not edited interviews with eyewitnesses. Guests will read actors:

  • Marian Kryvdyk;
  • Anastasia Simak;
  • Maria Horodechna;
  • Olga Hdakovych;
  • Svetlana Lisovska.

Charity, raised funds designed to support special forces "Odin" shelf "Azov".

Voluntary organizations can be invited to speak.

Telephone: +38 (066) 725-59-91 Juliana Frost.

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