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Festival of Theatre Sports "L`IMPROV Festyny", Lviv, L'viv


On the eve of spring first in Ukraine festival of sports theater "L`IMPROV Festyny" in Lviv. The unique event is full of improvisation viewers thanks to his tremendous imagination and ideas manage events on stage.

Emotional impromptu Battle between the participants of the first workshop «Improv» and «SerYozno ImprovGroup» absolutely create the atmosphere of drive, give mega positive mood and fun experience. The festival also provides tasty treats.

Place: Drama Theatre named after Lesya Ukrainian to Horodotska, 36, Lviv.

Date: February 27 will be held at 17:00.

Festival «IMPROV Festyny"

Festival of Theatre Sports "L`IMPROV Festyny" is a real world of improvisation, where the starting points of the events on the stage will be unusual and interesting ideas imagination of viewers. The festival will be held on the occasion of the birthday of «Improv» in Ukraine.

Expected performances of participants:

  • artistic performance of «Kickit Art Studio»;
  • impro-team "Mr. Kotsyk";
  • improvisational Battle between the participants of the first workshop «Improv» and «SerYozno ImprovGroup».

The visitors also wait theater workshops, delicious food and drinks.

The organization of the event is conducted through the promotion of art cluster "Les" and NGO "Institute for Social Initiatives".

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