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International automobile race electric Electric Marathon 2016, Lviv - Monte Carlo, L'viv


Ukraine is the second consecutive elected organizers of «Electric Marathon» as a participating country. This time, will the international electric rally «Electric Marathon» in 2016 from New York to Monte Carlo.

The starting point for the international arrival of electric vehicles will serve the city of Lviv. The opening ceremony of the event scheduled for the second half of May, and its finish line let down in early June in Monaco.

Elektromarafona overall objective is to draw attention to environmental problems of people of the Earth and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the transition to "green" transport.

Venue: Lviv - Monte Carlo.

Date: will be held from 22 May to 3 June 2016.

What is the «Electric Marathon»

Organizers claim that the V jubilee Marathon Lions chose not accidental, as the Lion City and Monte Carlo have much in common in the past. It is between these cities in 30 years of the 20th century there were circular race cars.

«Electric Marathon» has a unique format and route. It is not an ordinary race on speed. The race provides the winner is not the speed but the accuracy of the arrival time to the finish. First launched so-called `zero car`, which sets the benchmark time. Electric, which will have closest to the reference time at the finish line is declared the winner. Participants will travel the roads of Europe and it must follow all traffic rules.

Charging electric cars participating in the race, conducted by mobile truck trailers, which are portable charging station 380 voltage and amperage 63 A. These characteristics allow quickly charge up to 15 electric vehicles that travel a certain portion of the race.

In the fight for the top prize is open to only those vehicles that are fully equipped with electric propulsion. However, the organizers also invited vehicles that use alternative sources of energy - for them is a special competition.

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