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Moryntsi, Zvenyhorods'kyi district

Morintsy village belongs to the Zvenigorod District of Cherkasy region. It is famous for the fact that here was born Taras Shevchenko.

The first documented mention of the village belong to the 17th century, there are several versions about the origin of the name. One of them says that the first of these places were occupied by settlers from the sea. According to another version - the inhabitants of the collection of honey bees with smoke fumigated or starved, so they were called moryanami. Some have suggested that many of the first settlers died during the plague, popularly referred to as "plague."

Homeland Shevchenko

It is in Morintsah March 9, 1814 was born Taras Shevchenko, in the house of his grandfather. Two years later the family moved to Kirilovka. In his works, the poet repeatedly described Morintsy.

In Soviet times, the center of the village was a monument to the poet, and the place of his hut was erected a memorial stone. On the 150th Anniversary of the birth of the poet was opened house museum with the interior of those times where various household items. Every spring days in memory of the great Bard in the village gathered many fans of his work.

Now Morintsy are part of the National Reserve , there is a museum of Taras Shevchenko. Next to the museum is recreated house Yakima Ivanovich Boiko, grandfather of the poet. It was born Taras mother, she spent her childhood and adolescence, here she married Gregory Shevchenko. Once in the hut, visitors find themselves in a unique interior of the rural house with the oven, oak table, a cradle for the baby on the wall of icons, decorated with flowers. Near the house there is the grave of his mother Shevchenko, Catherine. As a monument to Catherine Shevchenko Taras on small arms. Built a small chapel.

Preserved house in the village clerk Shevchenkovo ​​who taught young Taras literacy. In order to preserve the house is under a glass dome, in order to protect it from damage, so it is impossible to get inside.

Morintsy - a very beautiful village. Dense forest, flowering gardens, the river, rolling hills attract many tourists every year who want to join the history of Ukraine.

How to get there

Distance from Zvenigorodka to Morintsy - 35 km from Cherkassy - 108 km from Kiev - 191 km. Can be reached by bus or private car.

You can stay overnight at local residents.

Opening hours of the museum: from 9:00 to 15:00

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Tours and excursions Moryntsi

Тур «Шевченкове + Софіївка + Вінницький фонтан»
Якщо хочете на власні очі побачити місця, де жив український Кобзар Тарас Шевченко, то цей тур саме для вас. Під час екскурсій ви побачите багато цікавих і незабутніх місць, а саме: Малу Батьківщину Тараса – село Моринці та Шевченково, а також побуваєте на екскурсії у заповіднику «Батьківщина Тараса Шевченка», де зібрані усі речі, пов’язані з життям та діяльністю Кобзаря, та збереглася могила його матері. Побуваєте в одному з найгарніших дендропарків нашої країни «Софіївка», що належить до семи чудес України. Подорож заведе вас до Вінниці, де ви побачите і почуєте відомий музичний фонтан, а також покатаєтесь на катері річкою Південній Буг. Побачите усипальницю знаменитого М. Пирогова та насолодитесь екскурсією фортецею, що у Меджибожі. Джерело фото: pilgrimage.in.ua. План туру:
Other inhabited localities, Zvenyhorods'kyi district
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