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Andrushivka, Andrushivs'kyi district

Andrushivka - a city on the river Guyva. Although outwardly it seemed nothing unusual, it has its deep history and hope - the future.

Administrative information

  • Andrushivka (old name - Andrusivka) is a district center in Zhytomyr region.
  • According to the 2015 population is about 9000 people.
  • Indices: 13400-13405.
  • Phone code: 04136.

Origin city name

Once Andrushivka village located in the tract where the wealthy lived Kuchohor owner or Kuchohorskyy. People say that his son affectionately called the old master - Andrus. His father gave him land and Andrus founded new village which later was named in his honor - Andrusivka.

History Andrushivka

Convenient location contributed to the fact that in the 1 millennium BC in what is Andrushivka people lived. This is evidenced by numerous archaeological findings, such as tools from the Bronze Age. The first written mention of Andrushivka was already on the Cossacks - 1683.

Interestingly, this ancient settlement, according to the stories of old residents, located near the modern town in the tract Kuchohory.

In 17-18 centuries the village was ruled by the Polish gentry - various graphs and princes, who resold it to one another, until in 1859 the estate acquired rich Tereshchenko sugar manufacturer. The settlement grew and in the same year became a town. We know that its territory was the distillery, tannery and three water mills. Here was built the first sugar factory in Zhytomyr region. And in Andrushevka were several shops and fairs.

Anrushivtsi given city status in 1975.

What to visit in the city

1. Manor Berzhynskyh-Tereshchenko. It turns out that modern students Andrushevsky fortunate to learn from a palace in French neo-Renaissance style. Mansion built in the mid 19th century landowner Stanislav Berzhynskyy, and its owner rebuilt the next - Art Tereshchenko, who was the founder of a kind of Ukrainian landowners and patrons. In 1919, the palace was looted Budennogo troops. From destruction it was saved only that it equip school.

Photo Source: panoramio.com, author: andreiprok.

2. Andrushevsky park that stretches around the estate Tereshchenko - beautiful monument of local importance and andrushivchan favorite vacation spot. The park covers an area of ​​approximately 10 hectares, which are school playground, lake with swans and several monuments of the Soviet era.

Photo Source: panoramio.com, author: Andrew-ka.

3. Monument Kobzar. Another interesting monument is located in the central square Andrushivka. This monument, which is visible in the image of Taras Shevchenko, or rather the spirit of Ukrainian songs.

Photo Source: uk.wikipedia.org, author: Lexusuns.

4. Andrushevsky sugar factory - is also worthy of attention. After all, it was built in the middle of the 19th century and it offers a good view of the lake. Since 2005, it does not work because around freely walk.

5. The remains of the Jewish cemetery in Andrushevka - the so-called cemetery - also can be considered a historical monument. Andrushivchany locality called this "an entrenchment." Unfortunately, about 100 abandoned graves - all that remains of the life of a large Jewish community.

6. The railway station and water tower in Andrushevka were built back in the 1910th years and now have abandoned look.

7. Astronomical Observatory, with the romantic name "July Morning", located near Andrushivka. It is the only private observatory in Ukraine recognized Astronomical Association.

Photo Source: panoramio.com, author: Itavio.

Getting to Andrushivka

Railway station in Andrushevka acts only as cargo. So you need to get to the nearest current station - curb, where trains travel to Kyiv or Kozyatyn. From brovok Andrushivka center can be reached by bus.

Also, buses run almost every hour in the direction of Zhitomir and Berdichev.Cash and reference service at the bus station Andrushivka not working. Therefore, the bus is only used as a point of embarkation by bus.

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