All about
Crimea autonomous republic:
capital of the autonomous republic
city council
- Feodosiys'ka
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- Bakhchysarais'kyi
- Bilohirs'kyi
- Chornomors'kyi
- Dzhankois'kyi
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- Rozdol'nens'kyi
- Saks'kyi
- Simferopol's'kyi
- Soviets'kyi
Lake Donuzlav
смт Мирний, Крим
Donuzlav Lake is located in the western part of the Crimean peninsula and belongs to the group Tarkhankutskii lakes. It is the deepest in the Crimea, and an area of forty seven square kilometers.
Because of its historical past and the natural conditions of the lake Donuzlav in his pool is fresh ...
Bakal Spit
с. Стерегуще, Роздольненський р-н, Крим
Salt Lake Chokrak
Пересип, с. Курортне, Ленінський район, Крим
Fisherman`s Village "Black Stone"
с. Червоний Мак, Бахчисарайський р-н, Крим
Karkinitsky Bay
м. Армянськ 96012, Красноперекопский р-н, Автономная республика Крым
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