Roses Valley Park
вул. Гагаріна, Черкаси 18000, Україна
"Valley of Roses" in Cherkasy is a small park near the city center on the banks of the Dnieper. There are several piece mini-lakes with fountains inside, mostly low trees and neatly trimmed bushes. Large trees are the same band from the Dnieper.
Particularly beautiful view of the "Valley of Roses" ...
Park "Jubilee"
вул. Пальохи 2, м. Черкаси 18009, Україна
Park "Jubilee" is located in the city of Cherkassy. Its old name - "Park 50th Anniversary of October." The park belongs to the landscape architecture and is considered the best city park. Monument "Jubilee" was laid in 1967. The main role in its formation played architect G. Ursaty and engineer ...
Children`s Park, Cherkasy
вул. Хрещатик 176, м. Черкаси 18007, Україна
In the center of Cherkassy is a children`s park. Its opening took place in the Soviet era in 1980. As then, today o n attracts kids and their parents a variety of sculptures made of stone and fairy-tale characters, made of wood. Unlike modern metal sculptures, all of this looks very ...
Pervomaisky park, Cherkassy
вул. Смілянська, м. Черкаси 18000, Черкаська обл., Україна
Square them. Bohdan Khmelnytsky, Cherkasy
вул. Байди Вишневецького, м. Черкаси 18000, Україна
Victory Park in Cherkassy
пл. Перемоги, м. Черкаси 18003, Україна
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