Kherson Fortress
вул. Перекопська 13, Херсон 73000, Україна
Kherson castle - fortification miracle not only in Kherson, but the whole of the Black Sea coast of Ukraine. Construction of the fortress dates from the late 18th century, the main objective - the protection of strategically important from a geopolitical point of view, in that period, the city - ...
Ochakovskaya (western) gate
вул. Перекопська 13, м. Херсон 73000, Херсонська область, Україна
It is not much left of the ancient monuments of the events that took place in Ukraine. One of the surviving evidence of past glory - Kherson fortress . Ochakovskaya gate - is what little withstood the onslaught of time. The fortress itself was built in 1778. Covering an area of 100 hectares. ...
Moscow (North) gate
пл. 40 років Жовтня, м. Херсон 73000, Херсонська область, Україна
Moskovskie Vorota - one of the oldest buildings in Kherson . They were part of a complex of fortifications of the city. Today, they are considered an architectural monument of national importance. Line up the gates were in 1783. During the construction of the Moscow gate used bricks. The gates ...
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