Palace Groholsky, Vinnitsa
вул. Мічуріна 32, м. Вінниця 21000, Україна
In an ancient landscape park framed canopy of centuries-old trees, is family estate Groholsky. Polish magnates lived in a luxurious two-storey palace. Count Grokholsky ordered to lay it in the late 18th century.
The three-story building, designed in the shape of the letter "H", built of brick in ...
Vinnitskie panky
вул. Соборна 17-23, Вінниця 21000, Україна
Vinnitskie panky - this is one of the oldest architectural landmarks of national importance.
Back in the 17th century Athens was safe haven for followers of Catholicism. Therefore, here decided to build a Jesuit monastery with a hostel for monks and Collegium. In order to protect structures from ...
Інтерактивний Музей Науки
вулиця Миколи Оводова, 51, Вінниця, Вінницька область, 21000
Досі вважаєте, що наука — це нудні підручники в тісному шкільному класі? Не важливо, дорослий ви чи ще дитина, в нашому експериментальному просторі вас очікує дивовижний світ практичної ...
Monument Pirogov
вул. Пирогова, м. Вінниця, Україна
Monument to the famous surgeon Nikolai Pirogov is located in Vinnitsa . We set it in 1967 on the occasion of the centennial of the Red Cross in Ukraine. It is a memorial sculpture in a beautiful and picturesque location in the territory of the city park .
Pirogov - a talented physician, educator, ...
Potemkin Stairs, Vinnitsa
вул. Козицького 1, м. Вінниця, Україна
Probably not many people know that the winery has its Potemkin Stairs. It is located on the street Kozitskogo and leads to the waters of the river Southern Bug.
History of the Potemkin Steps
The founder and chief architect of the ladder has been known in the city master Gregory Artynov. His hands ...
Money Museum
вул. Соборна 87, м. Вінниця 21000, Україна
In the last couple of decades in the territory of Ukraine are increasingly open, modern museums. A unique museum opened in money winery in 2001. The solemn ceremony was attended by Viktor Yushchenko and Poroshenko.
The idea of creating a museum of money
The initiators of the opening of such an ...
Gorky Park, Vinnitsa
вул. Хлібна 1, м. Вінниця 21000, Україна
Park of Culture and Rest Gorky is one of the favorite places of rest of residents and guests of Vinnitsa . It is located in the heart of the city and covers an area of 40 hectares.
History of Gorky Park
The park was founded in 1936. In the past, next to the park there is a building of the NKVD, ...
Vinnitsa literary-memorial museum M. Kotsyubinsky
вул. І. Бевза 15, Вінниця 21000, Україна
Bunker Voroshilov
вул. Свердлова 185, Вінниця 21000, Україна
Bunker Voroshilov winery is under the jurisdiction of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchate, it is planned to create the rock temple, and now it works of the Holy Trinity Church. The whole story, which is associated with the hopper, is shrouded in mystery and legend, so it attracts ...
Hotel Savoy
вул. Козицького 36, м. Вінниця 21000, Україна
Vinnitsa - a city of regional importance, located on the shores of the Southern Bug, whose history dates back to the 13th century. In the early 20th century in the center at the intersection of Cathedral and appeared Kozitskogo hotel, which is still the hallmark of the city. At this time, the city ...
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