оз. Вікнина, с. Хропотова 31641, Чемеровецький р-н, Хмельницька обл., Україна
The village Hropotova that in Khmelnitsky region, at first glance does not differ from their own kind of villages where people live and work. However, there is a place from which emanates a true mysticism - Lake Viknyna. Its special feature is the inability to freeze even in the most severe ...
Valley of Death, Sevastopol
м. Севастополь 99000, Крим
This is one of the 10 most mysterious places in Ukraine. Valley of the shadow of death, and (or Valley of Death). It is situated not far from Sevastopol . And this area - not for the faint of heart. Once, in the middle of the 19th century, on this earth during the Crimean War were the most severe ...
Ancient cemetery, Derzen
вул. Гедь, с. Дерцен, Мукачівський район, Закарпатська обла., Україна
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