Anthony Caves, Chernihiv
вул. Успенського 33, г. Чернігів, Україна
The thousand-year history of an ancient city Chernihiv is associated with numerous underground monasteries that attract and wonder tourists from all over of the world. One of such wonderful monasteries is St Anthony Caves full of mysteries and exciting legends.
History of the Caves
The history of ...
Bald Mountain, Rzhyshchiv
м. Ржищів 09230, Кагарлицький р-н, Київська обл., Україна
Today the city Rzhyshchiv, and last area, which occupies part of the village Gusintsy, is considered one of the most energetically powerful place in Ukraine. In pagan times for pagan rites priests chose a mountain with a small amount of vegetation located close to the settlements. Most of the ...
Ethnographic Museum "Drevlyansky village"
с. Селезівка 11100, Овруцький р-н, Житомирська обл., Україна
Selezovka village is of great interest not only Ukrainians but also foreign visitors. And all because here at the extreme of the Polesie reserve is located in the open air unique museum - "Drevlyansky village." It found their unique structures and objects.
While at the museum, inhale notes long ...
The Nature Monument "Chortiv Kamin" (Devil's Stone)
с. Підкамінь 80671, Бродівський р-н, Львівська обл., Україна
Kaminne Village (Stone Village)
с. Рудня-Замисловицька 11020, Олевський р-н, Житомирська обл., Україна
Stone village is considered one of the wonders of the world unexplained - only nature or a higher power could create such a phenomenon: in the middle of the forest lost randomly scattered moss-covered stones, varying in size, with bizarre shapes. They are somewhat similar to regular lodge and form ...
Mavrynskyy Square
с. Межиріч, Павлоградський р-н, Дніпропетровська обл.,Україна
In Dnepropetrovsk, near the city of Pavlograd, straight middle of the desert is a mysterious cluster of lowlands and hills with the name Mavrynskyy Square. From heaven earthen mounds resemble the image of a crab or spider and sees some strange form a large tortoise. The researchers argue that this ...
Pryhoryzontna observatory Bezvodivka
с. Безводівка, Ічнянський р-н, Чернігівська обл., Україна
Ukraine has its own Stonehenge - pryhoryzontna Observatory in Bezvodivtsi Chernihiv region. On the territory of this village is missing group of ancient mounds. Some have destroyed people and technology, and those remaining, the researchers described as funeral mounds nomadic 2-1 millennium BC. ...
оз. Вікнина, с. Хропотова 31641, Чемеровецький р-н, Хмельницька обл., Україна
The village Hropotova that in Khmelnitsky region, at first glance does not differ from their own kind of villages where people live and work. However, there is a place from which emanates a true mysticism - Lake Viknyna. Its special feature is the inability to freeze even in the most severe ...
St Volodymyr Hill Park
вул. Трьохсвятительська 4, Київ 01001, Україна
Kiev - a very green city. There are many parks, squares and alleys, which are bright spots on the background of the concrete of the city.
Vladimir Hill Park, although not included in the list of must-see monuments tourists, remains one of the most favorite places of Kiev and guests of the ...
Lysa Mountain
Лисогірський узвіз 29А, Київ, Україна
Near Kyiv there is a legendary Lysa Mountain. The Ukrainian world “lysa” means “bald” and this is because its slopes are covered with a dense forest and brakes, but the top is remarkable for its steppe meadows. Unique beauty of the nature attracts, as well as the mystery of this place. Climb these ...
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