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Children`s Railway, Lutsk
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вул. Шопена 14а, м. Луцьк 43000, Волинська обл., Україна
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Children`s Railway Lutsk - great attraction for the whole family excursions. It is a full-fledged railway line with two stations, locomotive and passenger cars. The route line is laid in a picturesque park near the river Sapalaevki. And the road is designed to train future railway specialists with ...
Oak of Maksym Zalizniak
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урочище Холодний Яр, Чигиринський р-н, Черкаська обл., Україна
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There are unusual in Ukraine oak. Wood painted Taras Shevchenko. Giant, through which the world learned of the existence of   Tracts Cold Yar . Lightning fell into it six times - all oak Maxim Zheleznyaka. Giant,   a height of 30 meters,   has lived for more than a millennium farm near Buda in ...
House manager (Historical Museum)
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вул. Декабристів 5, м. Кам'янка 20800, Черкаська обл., Україна
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Davydov estate that in Kamenka, was built in the early 19th century. But it was the fate of the host that he was exiled to Siberia with the stigma of the Decembrists. In exile, he had three sons and they returned after the amnesty. Two of the eldest sons of the soul came metropolitan life, and for ...
Green House (Museum of Pushkin and Chaikovsky)
Votes: 1
вул. Декабристів 5, м. Кам'янка 20800, Черкаська обл., Україна
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Green House (Museum of Pushkin and Tchaikovsky) - cultural and historical heritage of Cherkasy. City Kamenka Cherkassy region founded in the early 17th century and was first recorded in historical reports 1648-1654 year. Would have remained a city of Kamenka unremarkable and no one knows if it was ...
St George`s Church, Berestechko
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с. Кутрів, м. Берестечко 45765, Волинська обл., Україна
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St. George`s Church - an architectural monument of national importance. It was built on the centenary of the Battle of Berestechko in 1761. Temple is located on a hill above the river Styr. The church is completely built out of wood and painted in sky blue color. In Soviet times, despite the ...
Church of St. Dmitry Zhuravniki
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с. Журавники 45737, Волинська область, Україна
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Church of St. Demetrios -   the main historical and cultural attractions Zhuravniki, which was built and consecrated in 1905. Earlier this place was located the old wooden church. Founded the temple Italian landowner - Count Raphael de Bossalini. He spoke, and the main sponsor of the construction. ...
Center for Youth Movement "Forge" Unizh
Votes: 1
с. Уніж, Городенківський р-н, Івано-Франківська обл., Україна
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On the territory of the former collective farm in the village of Unizh located on the bank of the Dniester, set up a center of the youth movement, "The Forge". The basis for its creation were the abandoned collective farm outbuildings. Thanks to the enthusiasm of the youth center was created in ...
Chervonograd Castle
Votes: 5
Nyrkiv village, Ukraine
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Chervonogrud is the most mystical place in Ukraine, which attracts people with its picturesque nature and mysterious ruins of the castle. In 1970 this town was removed from the official list of Ukrainian cities, towns and villages. It is located in Ternopil region, between Nahiryany and Nyrkiv ...
Zhvanets Castle
Votes: 1
с. Жванець, Кам'янець-Подільський р-н, Хмельницька обл., Україна
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The village is Zhvanets in Kamenetz-Podolsk district of Khmelnitsky region. Despite its obscurity, and a small area, it boasts an interesting history and save memos. One of the most important sights - Zhvanetskiy castle. Of course, at this point it bears little resemblance to the construction of ...
Holy Trinity Church in Zhovkva
Votes: 1
вул. Львівська 90, Жовква 80300, Україна
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Trinity Church is located in Lviv, in the small town Zholkva. The Church is so beautiful and original, that it belongs to the masterpiece creations of Galicia. By such a work of art can not pass. The first church was destroyed by fire in 1717. Later, in its place was built a wooden church, which ...

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