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Trinity Cathedral (Pochaiv)

Trinity Cathedral (Pochaiv)

If you have decided to learn the culture and traditions of Western Ukraine, you should go to the city of Pochaiv, in Ternopil region. There you can visit Pochaiv Lavra, an Orthodox shrine.

The need of its creation came during the Tatar invasion of Ukrainian lands. In the mid-13th century, when Kyiv was under the Crimean Khan, monks of Pechers’k Lavra managed to escape. They settled in Pochaiv and decided to re-create the lost shrine there.

Now Pochaiv Lavra is one of the few Orthodox complexes in Western Ukraine. On its territory you can visit Assumption Cathedral, cells, the Bishop's House, a gatehouse building, a bell tower of 65 meters high, and Trinity Cathedral. All these buildings were built at different times and the last built was Trinity Cathedral, erected between 1906 and 1912. Its construction has stimulated Orthodox Education of the Western Catholic society, as well as opened for Russian and Ukrainian people the world of ancient Russian Orthodox architecture. In addition, all Orthodox church services of Pochaiv Lavra were held in Assumption Cathedral, layout of which was more suitable for the Catholic worship. That’s why architect Alexei Shchusev has decided to build Holy Trinity Cathedral in the Old Russian style of C15th. Such church was specially constructed to hold services, adhering to all Orthodox canons.

Once you have visited Pochaiv Lavra, be sure to recognize Trinity Cathedral right away. The Pochaiv shrine building has the shape of a cube towered by a golden dome. On the west side you’ll notice a little tower built as a passageway to choirs. From the south, west and north sides, entrances to the inner hall of the cathedral are located. Above the entrances you’ll notice beautiful colourful mosaic pictures of Nicholas Roerich, a Great Russian artist. On the south side there is the Image of Edessa, worshiped by the holy princes, on the north side – the mosaic of the New Testament Trinity with Calvary in the centre and the western entrance is decorated with the icon Pochaiv Mother of God, worshiped by the Volhynian saints. Outside Trinity Cathedral is completely white and decorated mostly with relief decorations.

Go inside the temple! Small narrow windows allow the light in the middle of the hall, where the dome is located. From there, you’ll see wall paintings, made with special inks, resembling a mosaic that is in harmony with the paintings of Nicholas Roerich. Later, the walls and the ceiling of the cathedral were painted by artists Vsevolod Shcherbakov and Alexander Frolov, who used a special paint, which created the effect of a light haze. You’ll have opportunity to see it inside the cathedral.

In the Trinity shrine there are two iconostases designed by architect Alexei Shchusev. The same size golden iconostases merge into one and form a four-story building. The interior of Trinity Cathedral has been made in the traditions of ancient architecture. Inside this temple you’ll have an impression as if you travelled back in time.

In addition, in the lavra there are a few miraculous relics, such as relics of the saints in the crypt of Assumption Cathedral, the miraculous icon Pochaiv Mother of God.

You will also have an opportunity to taste the water from the healing source, which is located here. It is believed that it was consecrated by the touch of Mother of God.

You can get to Pochaiv from Kyiv or Ternopil’ by minibuses directly from railway stations. Or you can come by train from Kyiv to Radivilov Station, from which you can take a minibus directly to the entrance of Pochaiv Lavra. 


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Источник духовности
Хотите побывать в древней святыни, узнать историю Почаевской Лавры и ощутить дух молитв и бесконечной веры? Тогда этот тур создан именно для вас. Побывайте в местах, которые посещают паломники не только всей Украины, но и других стран мира. На протяжении тура вы сможете увидеть и посетить: Свято-Троицкий монастырь, который был построен еще в 11 столетии. Именно здесь находится могила невесты Александра Пушкина. Святые места на территории Почаевской Лавры, пещеру Иова Почаевского, Троицкий храм. Вечернее богослужение в Лавре, где можно ощутить всю силу многовекового храма. Множество чудотворных икон и святынь, которые способны исцелять разные болезни и недуги. Кладбище при монастыре и источник Св. Анны, в котором можно будет искупаться, при желании.
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