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Zholkovsky Synagogue

Zholkovsky Synagogue

In a small Ukrainian town Zholkva located in Lviv region, is one of the largest synagogues in Europe. The structure is made in the style of the Renaissance and Baroque elements completed. The first wooden synagogue was built in its place back in 1652. During its long history the building has repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt. During the Great Patriotic War, the synagogue was undermined and early nineties of the last century was used as a warehouse.

Today Synagogue was built of stone and brick, previously it abuts Jewish city walls and gates, and she served as a synagogue defensive tower with loopholes and platforms for placing artillery.

Inside the synagogue, you can see the main square hall in the center of which there are four powerful pillars holding the groin. All visitors to this ancient structure necessarily remembered elements of the frieze of the ancient polychrome mural. Vintage graffiti recreate synagogue Torah texts.

Particularly impressive is the eastern part of the building where the preserved baroque decoration for the altar niche. On the opposite side is the western two-storey gallery, fitted with three doorways.

Zholkovsky synagogue is a place of pilgrimage for the multitude of believers from around the world. She is known far beyond the borders of Ukraine and is listed in the New York World Monuments Fund. Restoration of cultural, historical and architectural monument began in 2000, the reconstruction of the building is still under way. In the future, plans to open a synagogue Jewish center Galicia.

Zholkva visiting, you can explore the other attractions are within walking distance from the synagogue. The central part of the city received the status of Historical and Cultural Reserve. Here is preserved ancient castle, founded back in 1594 by the founder of the city. Located near the City Hall complex and the Dominican monastery of the 17th century.

All landmarks have special plates, which provided a brief history of their construction.

The synagogue is located in the center of Zholkva, outdoors Zaporozhye. From the bus station in Lviv Zholkva go taxis, the road takes about forty minutes and passes through picturesque fields, for which one can see the endless hills. A visit to this historic site will remain in your memory for a long time.

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Тур во Львов: Львовские Этюды
Провести несколько дней в одном из самых романтичных городов Европы – отличное решение. Лучший вариант – воспользоваться туром «Львовские этюды». За 4 дня перед вами предстанут лучшие культурные и природные жемчужины города Льва. В первый день вы ознакомитесь с архитектурой Старого города. Самое необычное место – старинная аптека «Под черным орлом». В подземелье аптеки сохранились следы пребывания таинственных алхимиков. За следующие дни перед вами откроют свои тайны роскошные замки и дворцы. Вы сможете ощутить на себе дух средневековья. Данный тур создаст у вас таинственную и прекрасную картину Львова. Так что вам захочется вернуться сюда еще не раз.
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