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Mountain Vedmezhik

Mountain Vedmezhik

One of the steep Carpathian Mountains is Vedmezhyk. Northern slope is quite steep peaks, and sometimes even from the cliffs. But it does not stop desperate tourists make it rise. It is incredibly beautiful and picturesque panorama that opens in mountains Carpathians, is worth it.

What to see at Mount Vedmezhyk

Vedmezhyk top part of the spine Dovbushanka, which in turn consists of two parts and relates to Gorgan mountain massif. Vedmezhyk height of the mountain reaches 1,737 meters.

Spine characteristic sloping southern and northern slopes steeper. Large areas of these hillsides covered with pine forests. Hiking in the Carpathian Mountains to the approximation to the peaks can be seen as gradually replaced fir pine and lichen displace grasses.

Like most mountains are part of the mountain massif Gorgan, upper Vedmezhyka covered stone screes formed yamnenskym Carpathian sandstone.

The south-east side and partially on the west slopes of rather flat, because for them actually completely raised and go to the top of Dovbushanka and Pikun. To the southern slope adjacent origins Sweet Grass River and tributaries Nadvirna Bystrica.


Hiking through the mountains in the Carpathians and Vedmezhyk Dovbushanka quite popular among tourists. But we must bear in mind that rain can climb to the top is much complicated. When there is no rain and the weather is good, the lift brings a lot of fun.

Clear sunny day from the top overlooking the Vedmezhyk half Carpathians:


Climb on Vedmezhyk comfortable with towns such as green, Bistrita and Chernik. You can stop before your hike to the top. You can also go here from the ski resort "Bukovel". Also, an interesting option will climb from the village Yaremche, then you can target your way through the pass Pereslop.

If you plan to hike with tent - on gentle slopes can break a small camp for the night.

How to get to the top Vedmezhyk

Vedmezhyk Mountain is located east of the village of Bistrica, in Nadvirna district of Ivano-Frankivsk region. Make rise along comfortable with surrounding villages.


Tours and excursions

Поход в Карпаты «Восточные Горганы + Водопады Карпат»
Поход – удивительное мероприятие, во время которого можно узнать о моральных качествах человека, о его готовности прийти на помощь, в случае необходимости, и жизненных ценностях, которых он придерживается. В этом туре у вас будет и хорошая компания из таких же как вы любителей путешествий, и возможность увидеть природу Карпат потрясающей красоты: Восточные Горганы – красивейший горный хребет Карпат. Вы пройдете по горным тропам, насладитесь красивейшими местными пейзажами и поразительными видами, открывающимися с горных вершин. Карпаты – край, богатый реками. А в местах, где реки ниспадают с горных вершин, они образуют водопады. В этом туре у вас будет уникальная возможность увидеть живописнейшие водопады этого поистине удивительного края.
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