Mariyins'kyi Palace

Mariinsky Palace was built on the right bank of the Dnipro Ukrainian capital in the years 1750-1755. This beautiful building is also known as the Presidential Palace. It often hosts a variety of state receptions, gala events, summits and meetings of official delegations.
The project of the palace was designed by the court architect Bartolomeo Rastrelli, and construction was led by renowned architect Ivan Michuryn. The central facade of the Mariinsky Palace overlooks the park of the same name, founded in 1874. The park is impressive for its ancient winding alleys, elegantly inscribed in the overall landscape. Its history dates back more than thirty years and is closely intertwined with the history of the palace. This unique monument of landscape architecture, covering an area of ten hectares, designed in traditional classical English style. There is always a lot of visitors - residents and guests of Kiev. On the opposite side of the building you can walk in one more interesting place - the City Garden, which was founded back in 1743 and still retains a quiet and romantic atmosphere of times past.
A distinctive feature of the palace complex is its asymmetrical architecture of the Baroque period. The building has a clear layout and expressive integrity volumes. The facades are richly decorated with openwork parapets, window casings molded cornices and luxurious. Conviviality of the palace highlights turquoise, pale yellow and white shades on the facade of buildings.
The real gem of the palace is a large white room, to adjoin green living room and banquet facilities. This room is different extraordinary pomp and majesty, and received its name due to the dominating throughout the interior white.
The special flavor the artistic decoration of the palace attach objects of decorative art dating from the 19th century secondhalf. Here you will find antique furniture, unique chandeliers and paintings by famous artists, written in different centuries.
During the last restoration of the palace was rebuilt his unusual parquet floor made of fine wood. Gender affects the beauty of the picture and the skill of laying.
During the Second World War, the central part of the building destroyed by a bomb. Subsequently, the palace was rebuilt, and it was the site of receptions. Construction work was directed by famous Ukrainian architect Pavel Aleshin.
Today, the Mariinsky Palace is practically closed to the public, as this historic structure to represent Ukraine as a state residence. Get to Mavriinskogo Palace is by subway or taxi, to go to the station "Arsenal".