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The Hetmanship Museum

The Hetmanship Museum

Museum of Hetmanate in Kyiv is a unique place where collected a lot of material and spiritual heritage of the culture associated with the history and traditions of the Cossack Hetman period.

Primarily of interest to tourists is the very building of the museum: ancient, stone structure typical of the era of the Cossacks, was built in 17-19 centuries and is an architectural monument. The locals call it "house Mazepa."

This museum is a real boon for lovers of history. Here is the iconography Ukrainian hetman, Cossack hetman subject merchandise in the exhibits, historical literature, philately, etc. The museum has more than 85,000 objects.

The museum is actively raising activities: conducts various exhibitions, scientific conferences, discussions, social and artistic events. Museum of Hetmanate not leave you indifferent.

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