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Palazzo Bandinelli

Palazzo Bandinelli

In the centre of the historic city of L’viv on Rynok Square in the house numbered 2, in Palazzo Bandinelli, the History Museum is located. The house was built in the 16th century. In 1634, it passed into hands of a merchant Roberto Bandinelli, a grandson of a Florentine engraver. There, Roberto founded the first post office in L’viv. In the second half of the 19th century it housed a bookstore and a book publishing firm of Charles Wilde, where L’viv writers liked to spend time at. A Polish poet and social activist Kornel Uyeyskyi used to live in this house.

This kam’ianytsia is traditionally called Palazzo Bandinelli. Kam’ianytsia is a Ukrainian word, which means a house built of stone and brick. Palazzo was renovated several times. And in 2005 the L’viv History Museum was opened there. On the first floor you can see a collection of jewellery of late 16th - early 20th centuries. And on the second floor you can enjoy a collection of European paintings, including a portrait of the Emperor Joseph III, painted from life by a famous Italian master Petro Antonio Labruzzi.

Palazzo Bandinelli is a typical example of the late Renaissance. Its facade is decorated with white-stone carvings, divided by inter-floor cornices, and the front door is decorated with a portal. Above the windows at the entrance you can see sculptures of dolphins – a symbol of successful trading. The interior of the palazzo is not less impressive: authentic carved wooden beams, Gothic arches, white-stone columns between windows, inlaid with alabaster etc. Palazzo Bandinelli will impress you not only with its architecture and splendid interior, but also let you to get to know its rich and interesting history closer.

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