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Bernardine Church and Monastery

Bernardine Church and Monastery

The architectural ensemble contained in itself the features of different eras: Renaissance, Baroque and Mannerism. Stone building appeared in the 17th century on the site of a wooden building, which more than once in its history, was destroyed by fire. As in the old days, these buildings were outside of Lviv , then surrounded them protective moats and ramparts.

Decoration of the architectural ensemble - 38-meter tower of the church of Bernardine. In sculptural reliefs, statues of saints, carved altars you can easily recognize the Baroque style. Column, which you will meet in the square, decorative. To the south of the church there is a rotunda, crowning well.
In the 70-ies of the last century, the complex was renovated. Now the doors of the church opened and Bernardine it works the Greek Catholic Church. The building of the monastery belongs to the Lviv State Historical Archives.

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