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Monument to Inventors of Kerosene Lamp

Monument to Inventors of Kerosene Lamp

The historical part of the city is rich in interesting monuments, architectural buildings, and streets imbued with the spirit of history. One of the wonderful and original monuments is the Monument inventors of a kerosene lamp, Lviv pharmacist Ignatius Lukasiewicz and Jan Zegu. It is symbolic that it was installed near the museum restaurant "oil lamp" in 2008.

Sensational event invention of kerosene lamps in Lviv happened over 160 years ago. Then she changed her candle sticks and oil lamps. And even in the presence of electricity kerosene lamp is not sent to the museum shelves, and today it is used successfully in the absence of light. Thought after come true, came up with the pharmacist Jan Zegu. Together with Ignatius Lukasiewicz, after a long and capacious work, they received an Austrian patent for the invention of kerosene. In their request tinsmiths designed a lamp. First kerosene lamp was installed in the window of the pharmacy, it was a publicity stunt. Pharmacy building survived to this day, and the first model of a kerosene lamp was the showpiece of the Lviv pharmacy museum not far from the Market Square .
In honor of the 155 anniversary of the discovery of a kerosene lamp was opened restaurant-museum "oil lamp". At the entrance to the monument. He is a figure of the creators of a kerosene lamp. Thoughtful pharmacist Ian Zeg sitting at the table, and from the third floor window looks Ignacy Lukasiewicz. The originality of the monument and interesting location, in the old town, making it very attractive for tourists.

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