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Liubart Castle

Liubart Castle

Lubart Castle was built in the 14th century and today is one of the wonders of Ukraine, the pride of Lutsk . This building was preserved from the time of Duchy of Lithuania to the present day virtually unchanged, and it is a rarity. An architectural masterpiece with towers, arches, bridges, old pavement and pavilions still attracts many tourists.

Inside the castle are located several museums and expositions. So, being in one place, and you can visit the only museum in Ukraine bells, and exposure of ancient weapons, most of which was used directly for the protection of the castle. Visiting museums such costs on average 10-20 hryvnia. And from the top floor of the tower offers a wonderful view of the city.

In the courtyard of the castle giant chess set. You can try to play a game or two and make original photos.

Of course, like all locks, lock Lyubart fanned by many legends, they say, it even has its own ghost. Locals from one generation to pass the legend of a girl who was ordered to kill the prince Lubart, because she refused to marry him. And now her soul restlessness often seen in the walls of the castle. Truth or fiction, it can test you. The castle is open to visitors year round seven days a week.

Visiting this attraction Lutsk not impress any tourist!

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