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Tower Czartoryski (Roundabout Castle)

Tower Czartoryski (Roundabout Castle)

Strict medieval appearance tower Czartoryski said that this building was erected as a fortification. Today it is one of the attractions of Lutsk, near which guests love to be photographed city. In the 14-15th centuries thick walls served to strengthen the defense capability Roundabout castle.

The high stone wall with her perched on four towers securely guarded castle from enemies, which might appear from the west, south or east. To get inside the buildings, it was necessary to use a bridge hanging over the pit, filled with water.

In the 18-19 centuries fortifications derelict. Obmelchal moat was filled and the ground. A strengthening eventually dismantled. Managed to survive only one tower, which was named in honor of the Duke of Lutsk, who owned the city during its power - Czartoryski.

Three-tiered square structure was built of brick and topped with four-sided tent. Having undergone several reconstructions, it changed its shape to rectangular. Modern tower windows in the Middle Ages were loopholes and embrasures. Battle of wooden gallery now remained only nest beams. Vintage niche plays the role of cameras disappeared altogether - they laid the bricks.

In Soviet times, the wall and decided to preserve the tower. Today, remnants of defensive structures adjacent to the monastery of the Jesuits, so explore the tower Czartoryski possible only from one street - Dragomanova.

By the way, in the system of fortifications Roundabout castle included a number of other structures that can be seen today. For example, defensive synagogue, dubbed "Little Castle" Devoted now children`s sports school.

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