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Little Russian post office building

Little Russian post office building

Little Russian post office building is the first building of the new central square of Poltava, was erected in 1809

Originally planned to erect a building in Chernigov. This decision was made ​​after the division of the Little Russian province established back in 1796 into two provinces - Poltava and Chernihiv. But thanks to the efforts of the then Governor-General A. Kurakin permission was granted for the construction of Little Russian post office in Poltava.

Project to famous Russian architect Yegor T. Sokolov, academician of the Petersburg Academy of Arts.

Malorossiysky post office at the beginning of the XIX century was a complex undertaking - Post House, divided into several expeditions (departments): Counting expedition foreign expedition, secret mission, the Office of the Post Office, the expedition receiving money and packages, check the contents of incoming foreign newspapers and parcels and others. Enterprise engaged in receiving and sending letters, parcels, packages of cash. The building itself was made ​​in a classic style, with a colonnade, portico and side wings.

Soon the house was transferred due to Chernigov and the building housed the former Little Russian post office and the district school board for the children of impoverished nobles. Pension overseer became a great writer Kotlyarevsky. Pension lasted until 1841.

After June 15, 1860 this building was opened Poltava Mariinskoe female school 1st, which later became Mary gymnasium. In the late 70-ies of the XIX century. building was rebuilt in neo-Renaissance style: the portico were dismantled and single storey side wings instead were built two-storey side wings, modified design of the central facade.

After the final establishment of Soviet power in Poltava in 1919, Mariinsky gymnasium was closed. Then, during the Soviet era, there is a 2nd girls' school, where from 1922 to 1941 he taught drawing famous Ukrainian artist MA The Don. School existed here before the war.

Unfortunately, during the war in 1943, the building burned down. In 1960 - 1963 years., With reconstruction of the entire area, a former Little Russian post office was restored in the primary form. Reconstruction took part in such famous architects as LS Vayngort, DS Litvintsev, LI Sherstuk engineer PS Claus. The building, located in the Soviet era and the City Party City Committee of Komsomol.

Now the house is Poltava Academy of Arts.

You can get any public transport across the city center stop Center.


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